
RTF-2-HTML v8, the market leader in RTF to HTML and HTML to RTF conversion, mainly due to its perfect conversion capability and EasyBytes 24/7 fanatical technical support.
RTF-2-HTML is a pure component (.NET Assembly and COM Dll editions) that allows developers to very easily convert Rich Text Formatted data (RTF) into HTML and convert HTML into RTF. There are several sample programs with source code in the trial version. RTF-2-HTML works in any component container, whether it be Visual Basic, VC++, ASP, C#, Delphi, Java, .NET or C/C++
We absolutely guarantee that RTF-2-HTML v8 provides better conversion capability and stability than ANY other product. You can try out the demo version today to prove this for yourself! |
RTF-2-HTML does not require any additional software to convert RTF to HTML, such as MS Word which
ALL of our competitors do. RTF-2-HTML is a pure Enterprise ready component. |
EasyByte Software Ltd is a proper company with
a fanatical support department with instant telephone and email support for all customers. |
If you purchase a license for RTF-2-HTML you get royalty free rights to distribute it with your programs. Unlike many companies which sell components, you can buy the source code for RTF-2-HTML.
RTF-2-HTML is also available as a high performance COM+ dll,
we do not have a demo of this available at the current time because the
underlying conversion engine of it is the same as for the COM and .net Assembly.
The Dll is sold on a money back guarantee basis, in that we guarantee it
will work for you and that it will work 10 to 15 times faster than the
COM version when under high load.
Main Features in RTF-2-HTML v8 That make it even better than before!
- RTF-2-HTML is now available as a PURE .net Assembly as well as the existing native COM Dll
- RTF-2-HTML can also Convert HTML to RTF as well as RTF to HTML.
- When converting RTF to HTML you can turn on or off font tags, span tags, sizes - this allows for HTML output that can be used in generated ASP or ASP.NET pages
- RTF-2-HTML can now produce FULLY STANDARDS compliant XHTML. The XHTML is fully compliant with the W3C standards.
- The HTML output can be cleaned, this means that the output HTML can be tidied up, so when viewed in an HTML code editor you will be able to easily modify the output or pass through a post processor.
- Fully unicode compliant, works with all East Asian character sets. RTF-2-HTML works fine with Chinese, Korean, Japanese and many other character sets (完全な東アジアサポート).
- RTF-2-HTML is available as a high performance COM+ dll, which is perfect for use in ASP or high performance applications.
- Use textual colours for the colour of the web page, for example you could just specify 'pink', instead of using a long number or HEX for the colour.
- RTF-2-HTML v8 can seamlessly convert embedded RTF objects such as images into PNG or JPG files that are automatically linked to in the HTML pages.
- Support for all main European Languages, the complete character sets are all supported.
- Corrupt RTF can be detected and in most instances can be repaired before going to the conversion to HTML phase.
- Raw HTML output, RTF-2-HTML can now be set to generate raw html with no body or header tags. No font or colour information will be generated either. This feature is useful for developers who wish to put the generated HTML into their own HTML template pages, such that the template layout would not be affected. This feature is designed for web developers that can use RTF-2-HTML to produce the HTML to put in database driven pages such as ASP pages.
- Dozens of minor improvements to the conversion process which ensure that the generated HTML looks even better than before in a web browser.
- As with previous versions, the FULL Source Code for RTF-2-HTML v8 is available for purchase, this allows you infinite customisation possibilities for generating the HTML, or modifying the conversion process. The Source Code is fully commented and documented.
- A new method, ConvertNoBody has been added. This method has been designed for use in Active Server Pages (ASP or ASP.NET), it will generate HTML without any HTML body or header tags, perfect for placing in ASP pages.
- Works perfectly in IIS 5, 6, 7 on both Windows Vista, 2003, 2000 and NT 4 Servers when used in an ASP or ASP.NET environment.
 Click here to download a free trial copy of both .net Assembly and COM Dll
Why you should choose RTF-2-HTML v8? Some of the Main Features in RTF-2-HTML v8, that make it perfect for you!
- RTF-2-HTML is now available as a PURE .net Assembly as well as the existing native COM Dll
- RTF-2-HTML has Royalty Free distribution rights.
- Perfect for use in ASP, RTF-2-HTML is in use by many companies today in ASP pages, as a lightweight control that can have its output perfectly customised to suit web pages it is ideal backend component in your web site. All web addresses (URLs) and email addresses in the RTF can automatically be converted to clickable links within the generated HTML, again perfect for use in web pages.
- RTF-2-HTML is a pure control for converting RTF into HTML, it does not use any outside products such as MS Word to do the conversion. This enables developers or system architects to deploy applications with full control over the conversion process, without worry about what version of Office in installed on customer machines.
- ALL of the Source Code for RTF-2-HTML is available for purchase which will give you absolute control to modify the conversion process, or add your own special feature, unique to your uses.
- You can specify that all hyperlinks (web addresses) and email addresses in the RTF document are automatically made into clickable links in the HTML output. This feature, amongst many other uses, is perfect for HTML generation direct for web sites.
- By using RTF-2-HTML with the Microsoft Rich Text Control, you can very easily (see sample project that comes with the control) make an HTML editor.
- RTF-2-HTML will convert the fonts, font colours, layout, backcolours, links, special characters, list items, font formatting (bold, italic, underline etc..), paragraph settings and alignment, and much more besides. RTF-2-HTML supports all the RTF tags can be converted into HTML.
- RTF-2-HTML supports all HTML tags including CSS support for when converting from HTML to RTF.
- The resultant HTML document that is generated will look as identical to the original RTF document as is possible. In fact the HTML output when viewed in a web browser will look so much like the RTF document when viewed that you may not be able to spot any differences!
 Click here to download a free trial copy of both .net Assembly and COM Dll