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HashFileSHA Method

Cryptocx v7 User Guide


HashFileSHA Method

This is the method that you use to create an SHA-512 hash of a given file.

This is ideal for checking if a file has been modified at some point or for verifying files.

SHA-512 offers a higher level of confidence than the MD5-128 implementation that is also in Cryptocx especially for verifying large files. We still recommend MD5 for password verification in databases as it is easily secure enough for that.

Neither MD5-128 or SHA-512 have been shown to have any flaws at all.


Creates an SHA-512 hash of a file


x = object.HashFileSHA

The syntax of the HashFileSHA method has these parts:

Part Description
object A Cryptocx v7 control.
x A string that becomes the hash of the file specified.

Remarks none

The SHA-512 hash of the given file.

Example Sample Visual Basic Code to create an SHA-512 hash of a file:

Where Cryptocx is an instance of a Cryptocx Control.

'' Generate an MD5 Hash of a file

Dim Cryptocx As New EasyByte_Software.Cryptocxv7

Cryptocx.LicenseKey = "DEMO"
Cryptocx.SourceFile = "c:\somefile.txt"
txtMD5.Text = Cryptocx.HashFileSHA

'' Free up Memory Resources

Set Cryptocx = Nothing





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