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SourceFile Property

Cryptocx v7 User Guide


SourceFile Property

This is the property that you set for the source file for Cryptocx to use when any file based encryption or decryption methods are run.

When you encrypt or decrypt a file with Cryptocx, the Source is the file to be encrypted or decrypted. The DestinationFile property is the property that specifies where the resultant file (encrypted or decrypted) is to be placed.



Specifies the File to encrypt or decrypt.


object.SourceFile [= SourceFile ]

The syntax of the SourceFile property has these parts:

Part Description
object A Cryptocx v7 control.
SourceFile A string expression that specifies the file to be encrypted or decrypted.

You need to specify the complete path and name of the file:


To just specify file.txt is not good enough as it does not specify where it is located (the directory and drive).

Default ""   (empty string)
Remarks You need to specify the drive letter and the full path of where the file is located and the file name including its extension.

When using the CreateArchive method you can specify multiple files and or directories to include in the archive by separating the file and directory names by *

Data Type


Example Sample Visual Basic Code:

Where Cryptocx1 is an instance of a Cryptocx Control.

Cryptocx1.SourceFile = "C:\MyFile.txt"





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