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OpenPGP Tutorial Page

Cryptocx v7 PGP Tutorial

This is quick tutorial to getting you started in using the Open PGP compatible functions within Cryptocx v7.

We recommend that you get everything working using the demo program that is installed with the Cryptocx v7 evaluation version, before you write any code that uses Cryptocx.


Public and Private Keys

If PGP encryption is all new to you, then the simplest way of describing how it works is that there are two keys, a public key that you send out to everyone and a private key that you keep on your computer and never release.

Other people use your public key to encrypt data and send that encrypted data to you. You then use your secret key to decrypt the data.


Generate a Key Pair (a public and a private key)

Step 1 is to create a key pair you do this by going onto the generate keys area of the demo program. When you specify a folder to use make sure it is empty first, as this will make it easier for you to work out how it is all working later on.

You need to specify the following:

KeyId - This determines how you will refer to the key in future.
Encryption Size - This determines how strong the encryption is that you will use.
Key Folder - This determines where to store the keys that have been generated.
Key Type - This determines which type of algorithm to use with the keys. 
Key Password - This is the password that secures your Private/Secret key, keep it safe.

Once you then click on Generate keys you will have created the key pair to use such that you send your public key off to someone to encrypt data and then when they send the encrypted data to you, you then use your secret key to decrypt it. 

You will notice two files in that folder now:

pubring.pkr and secring.skr these files are called keyrings and they can contain as many keys as you like. For example you may end up with hundreds of public keys that people send you, but that can easily be managed by Cryptocx by storing them in the public keyring file. With Cryptocx you can easily work with a public or private keyring by performing such functions as adding keys, removing keys, getting info about a key and seeing what is in a keyring.


Other Peoples Keys

Many other people or companies may send you their public keys either pasted in an email or as a .asc file, Cryptocx can import both into the public keyring that you have now created. 



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