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XHTMLOutput Property

RTF-2-HTML v8 User Guide


XHTMLOutput Property

This is the property that you set to specify whether or not the RTF-2-HTML control should output XHTML instead of HTML. This property applies to all of the methods that generate HTML.

The XHTML output is FULLY standards compliant and can used as is. If you require XML output as well this is the ideal building block to create XML from, specific to your needs.



Specifies whether or not to generate XHTML instead of HTML from the control.


object.XHTMLOutput [= x ]

The syntax of the XHTMLOutput property has these parts:

Part Description
object An RTF-2-HTML v8 control.
x A string expression that specifies whether or not to generate XHTML instead of HTML, you can either specify a "yes" or a "no" value.

Default "no"
Remarks This property only accepts a yes or a no. If yes then the control will output XHTML.

If set to 'yes' this property will take effect on all of the methods that normally generate HTML.

Data Type


Example Sample Visual Basic Code:

Where RTF2HTML1 is an instance of an RTF-2-HTML Control.

RTF2HTML1.XHTMLOutput = "yes"





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