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PGPSignFile Method

Cryptocx v7 User Guide


PGPSignFile Method

This is the method that you use to digitally sign a file. You need to have a secret keyring that you know the password to, to use this function.



Digitally signs a file


x = object.PGPSignFile

The syntax of the PGPSignFile method has these parts:

Part Description
object A Cryptocx v7 control.
x A string that becomes either "TRUE" or "Error: xxx" where xxx is the error message.

Remarks You need to have a secret keyring, with a secret key you know the password to, to be able to use this method.

To verify the signature, you just need to decrypt the signed file using the PGPDecryptVerifyFile method.

You must specify what file to sign, the SourceFile.

You must specify what the signed file will be called, the DestinationFile

You must specify the Password of the secret key you are using.

You must specify the KeyFolder, where the secret keyring is located.

You must specify the KeyID of the secret key you would like to use.



Example Sample Visual Basic Code to digitally sing a file.

Where Cryptocx1 is an instance of a Cryptocx Control.

Cryptocx1.SourceFile = "C:\thefiletosign.txt"
Cryptocx1.DestinationFile = "C:\signed.txt"
Cryptocx1.Password = "mypass"
Cryptocx1.KeyFolder = "C:\rings\"
Cryptocx1.KeyID = "mykey"

x = Cryptocx1.PGPSignFile





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